第一天很兴奋,恨不得一下子掌握了所有,我很怕自己虎头蛇尾。控制自己不能急,要一步一步来。印象最深的是加糖吗?早上同事喝豆浆说“加糖”我马上想到with sugar。感受到有人关注你的学习,感觉对自己的约束力强了。一定不能浅尝辄止!步入学了忘忘了学做滑梯式的学英语,这次我要改变自己!
Today l have learned:1.My briefcase is under the chair.The key is above the door. The restaurant is above the shop.They live below us. The temperature is below zero.
When I recevied your letter I was very worry, because the letter all used english. When I try to read the letter I find I can. I can understand more of the letter! Of course some word I don't know, but I can guess the meaning of the sentence. When I find this I am very exciting, I want say thank you right now, not a moment later. You help me find this, you used the simple words to tell me how to learn English. You help me more confidence. I will learn the english more and more, thank you very much.
Dear Coach,
Thanks you are always with me.
1. Today I learned how to tell somebody what I want to eat......
2. Can I give you a lift?
3. Listening more, more happy.
4. Feel great.
Best Regards,
从今年三月中下旬开始学习功夫英语以来,到现在已经有差不多5个月的时间了,但是我感觉自己的进步很小。当然这里面也有我个人的原因,中途有2个多月的时间由于家庭工作等原因,我基本上处于中断学习的状态中。同时我发现我的学习方法也有问题,可能由于是成年人了,很多固有的意思和习惯不是一下子就能改变的,比如在学习的时候忍不住去刻意记单词、由于给自己定了180天学完的目标,为了每天完成一课,有时候在学习的过程中刻意的去“为了完成当天的学习进度去学习”,也就是只注意学习数量而非质量。面对“似乎”没有成效的状态,我也有些受挫。前段时间看到这篇文章后,顿时又看到了希望,又找回了信心。非常感谢龙飞虎先生以博客、邮件的方式给予我们学习者的不断鼓励。我决定重新开始学习。原本已经学到了第三阶段了,又重新从第二阶段学习。这几天又补习了未读的邮件,有一篇关于“is your English improving?”写得很好,按照邮件中的方法,我也看到了自己的进步,又给我的学习增添了信心和鼓励。再次感谢龙飞虎先生,是您的鼓励和用心教学,让我们看到一条英语学习的光明之路。突破黎明前的黑暗,我们终将迎来光明。加油!~
Hi, I'm glad to hear from you! And I'm so proud that I could 100% understand you! Thank you for your advice.
Have a nice day!
Your sincerely
I'm so glad to see your letter! 老师提到的这个问题我的确还没有真正领会和掌握。我会细心体会并改进。我开始有感觉了,但很弱,很容易回到过去习惯当中,还不能有意识掌控。 我很庆幸自己的选择,在学英语的过程中我又发现了自己很多对别人不是问题,对我而言好像是一道坎,在您的这个方式中,我认识到心里因素是无形的障碍。但现在我相信您,不只只学英语这件事帮助了我,而是更多之外的意义!So,Thank you very much! 当然,还有一个问题是,很容易忘记昨天学的东西~~~好像再考验我的耐心似的。我会坚持下去,I believe I can conquer English!
End of Lesson 41,谢谢你每一课完成后都发来的E-mail,这一封邮件我明白95%的意思,没有看下行的中文。
Dear friends:
Thanks a lot! Everytime when I finished a lesson of kungfuenglish , I am very happy to reveive the letters you send to me. I like to read 邮件内容 that you send to me .
I'm on going learn the lesson of 48, and in this part I always spent two days to finished one lesson.
I think I will keep on going to fishined the whole lessons of kungfuenglish, besause I can feel I like it.
Hope you happy everyday!
Dear sunny
Spring festival is coming.But that day i had to go to enter internship.
every time i receive your letter i will print it ,and read one or twice .
That will help me remind how to correctly learn and use them.
and learning english is not need us quickly fast to master.
we need more patient to treat them. and the same way to
treat my life .what a fantastic things.i have never use english to
write something ,but i found i can do that.
That learning of gongfu english change my belief.
and very thank you for give me confident and deeply believe that i can do the best.
best regards
Dear coach: It's a very good laugh.I hope I can speak English fluent one day.thank you for your e-mail.
Today, I want to talk about my English learning experience . Recently,I've communicate with a foreign English teacher for test my English and got a result is Beginner. What do you think about the result? I thought it's not bad. Because that communication process was only has a less stuck.I've buy method of Kung Fu English 2 years , got the consequence , I'm feeling not bad.
This show really encouraged every learner of english.
For me, at present, my goal is to persist in learning english everyday, listening and reading. Maybe one day, with getting into english deeper and deeper, I will have the ability of speaking english to make foreigners laugh.
2、What time is it now?